患者男70岁。因声音嘶哑1个月于1994年3月31日入院。病人自述1个月前始发声嘶,20天后到我科就诊,发现喉内新生物,经活检确诊为鳞癌。入院时声嘶明显,无喉痛,无呼吸困难。查体;T 36.5℃,BP 15/11kPa。颈部及两颌下均未触及淋巴结。咽部下充血,两侧扁桃体不大。间接喉镜下见会厌、会厌谿及梨状窝均正常,两侧声带均慢性充血,右侧声带前2/3见有菜花样新生物.前联合看不清,右侧披裂活动稍弱。胸透、肝功、心电图及血常规检查均正常。CT检查示右侧声带癌,前联合及左侧声带受累。诊断:声门癌(Ⅱ期、T_2N_0M_0)。
The patient is 70 years old. A hoarse voice for 1 month was admitted on March 31, 1994. Patients reported a hoarseness one month ago, 20 days after treatment to our department and found new throat, biopsy diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma. Hiss conspicuous admission, no sore throat, no breathing difficulties. Examination; T 36.5 ℃, BP 15 / 11kPa. Neck and two jaws have not touched the lymph nodes. Throat congestion, small tonsils on both sides. Indirect laryngoscopy see epiglottis, epiglottic Creek and pear-shaped fossa are normal, both sides of the vocal cords were chronic congestion, see the first 2/3 of the vocal cords on the right new cauliflower. Chest throat, liver function, ECG and blood tests were normal. CT examination showed the right vocal cord cancer, the former joint and the left vocal cord involvement. Diagnosis: Glottic cancer (Ⅱ, T_2N_0M_0).