一在充斥着色彩与光影的20世纪西方艺术史上,乔治·莫兰迪(Giorgio Morandi)如同一滴淡墨,晕化于一纸广袤无垠的空灵世象。他远离喧嚣的时尚沙龙和大师辈出的画派团体,苦心孤诣地实践着自己的艺术理想。莫兰迪的绘画中没有伟大壮观的神话母题,也绝少以浪漫主义的形式向伫立于画布前的观者诉说任何感性世界的情绪冲动。他所关注的似乎只有那些默默无语的酒瓶、花瓶、大水罐、厨具以及罐头瓶。它们简洁明快的身影充当着他艺术行程中神圣的缪斯。
In the 20th century Western art history, full of color and light and shadow, Giorgio Morandi fainted in a vast expanse of eternity like a drop of light ink. He is far away from the hustle and bustle of the fashion salon and masterpieces of painting groups, painstakingly practice their artistic ideals. Morandi’s paintings contain no great, spectacular mythological motif, nor do they seldom express the emotional impulse of any perceptual world to romantic observers standing in front of the canvas. His attention seems to be only those silent wine bottles, vases, jugs, kitchen utensils and cans. Their concise and lively figure serves as the sacred muse in his artistic journey.