The current international situation is good for us. The world peace and democratic front led by the Soviet Union has grown even more than last year. The people’s movement for peaceful opposition to the war in various countries in the world has developed. The national liberation movement, which wants to break free from the oppression of imperialism, has witnessed extensive development. Of particular note is the rise of mass movements against the occupation of the United States by the Japanese and the Germans, and the development of the people’s liberation struggle among the oppressed peoples of the East. At the same time, the major contradiction between the imperialist countries is that the contradictions between the United States and Britain have also developed. Quarrels between the various parties within the United States bourgeoisie and between the various factions within the British bourgeoisie have also increased. On the contrary, the relations between the Soviet Union and the people’s democratic countries are very united. The new Sino-Soviet treaty of great historic significance has consolidated the friendly relations between the two countries. On the one hand, it enables us to carry out the construction work in our country at a high speed and on the one hand, and on the other, we are pushing for