Climate change and human activities lead to hydrological variation. The overall distribution of samples before and after the mutation is significantly different, which changes the hydrological conditions of the local ecosystem and breaks the ecological balance. In this paper, we use the sliding rank sum test (Mann-WhitneyU test) to analyze the hydrological variation and make a systematic analysis of the causes of hydrological variation. On this basis, the GEV distribution parameters are estimated by the linear moment method for the average flow sequence before each month of variation, and the maximum probability density flow rate is obtained, which is regarded as the ecological flow in the corresponding monthly river channel. This method is used to calculate the ecological flow in each channel of seven stations of Yellow River mainstream in each month, which means the ecological water demand in the river channel. The analysis shows that it is feasible to calculate the ecological water requirement in the river course considering hydrological variation. After hydrological variation, the hydrological stations in the Yellow River basin meet the requirements of ecological water demand greatly reduced, the flood season reduced more than the non-flood season; the Yellow River ecosystem water environment The main reason for the deterioration is human activity.