江西省林业厅于1978—1982年,组织了有关森保科技人员1337人,在全省范围内开展森林病虫普查,基本上摸清了省内主要树种的病害、危害程度及其分布情况。(一) 林木病原主要是真菌:从207个树种采集到3156号次的病害标本,具有明确病原鉴定出539种病害,其中真菌病害516种,占林病95.73%;其他,细菌病害6种,占林病1.11%病毒、类菌原体以及病因
In 1978-1982, the Forestry Department of Jiangxi Province organized 1,337 scientific and technological personnel on forest protection and carried out the census of forest diseases and insect pests throughout the province to basically find out the diseases, the degree of harm and the distribution of the major tree species in the province. (I) Forest pathogen is mainly fungi: 3156 times of disease samples were collected from 207 tree species and 539 diseases were identified with clear pathogens, of which 516 were fungal diseases, accounting for 95.73% of forest diseases; others were bacterial diseases, Forest disease accounted for 1.11% of the virus, mycoplasma and etiology