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目的建立广东省餐饮监管机构餐饮监管能力的综合评价方法。方法对入选的24位专家进行2轮德尔菲(Delphi)专家咨询,构建餐饮监管能力评价指标体系,层次分析法确定各指标的权重,综合评分法建立综合评价模型,对东莞市20个公共卫生监督小组的餐饮监管能力进行评价;运用折半信度和克朗巴赫信度系数(Cronbach’sα),以及方差分析和相关性分析对综合评价模型的信度效度进行检验。结果建立了包括7个1级指标、30个2级指标、60个3级指标的餐饮监管能力评价综合评价模型;综合评价模型整体的Cronbach’sα系数为0.81,Spearman-Brown折半信度系数为0.86,等级分类具有较好的区分度,且包含指标的独立性较好。结论所建立的综合评价模型,可较好的区分广东省餐饮监管机构餐饮监管能力强弱,具有较好的适应性和较高的可信度。 Objective To establish a comprehensive evaluation method of catering supervision ability of catering regulatory agencies in Guangdong Province. Methods Twenty-four selected experts were consulted by Delphi experts to establish the evaluation index system of catering supervision ability, and the analytic hierarchy process was used to determine the weight of each index. The comprehensive evaluation method was established by using the comprehensive evaluation method, and 20 public health The supervising team evaluated the food regulatory capacity. The reliability of the comprehensive evaluation model was tested using the Cronbach’s alpha and variance analysis and correlation analysis. Results The comprehensive evaluation model of Catering Regulatory Competence including 7 first-level indicators, 30 second-level indicators and 60 third-level indicators was established. The overall Cronbach’s α coefficient of the comprehensive evaluation model was 0.81, and the Spearman-Brown binary confidence coefficient was 0.86, the level of classification has a better degree of differentiation, and contains the independence of the indicator is better. Conclusions The comprehensive evaluation model established can better distinguish the catering supervision ability of catering regulatory agencies in Guangdong Province, and has better adaptability and higher credibility.
月亮升起,有喜鹊归巢的声音,有鱼儿跃出碧波的声音,还有阁楼传出的琴声在演绎着古老传说。月亮升起,好多眼睛落于白桦之上,对着人们轻轻地眨。  我看见一身玄衣的他,孑然一身立在庭院之中,许久,他缓缓说道:“举杯邀明月,对影成三人。”他端起酒杯,向我作了一揖,我、他、影子,三个人的酒会,看似热闹,但我实在能感受到他的孤寂。“月既不解饮,影徒随我身。”我只是一轮明月,又如何能排解他的寂寞孤独呢?已而又听他
拍摄城市夜景,很多人的理解是支起三脚架,长时间曝光城市的车水马龙。我对这样的拍摄兴趣不大,因为很难拍出新意。我将我的镜头对准了那些夜晚灯光下的陌生人,这里充满了生活气息,这才是我想象捕捉的对象。然而最为重要的是,饭后的散步扫街,不用直接躺倒在沙发上看电视刷微博,对我的减肥大计,甚有裨益。  2013年开始,有时会利用下班晚饭后的时间,拍拍广州这座城市夜色下的众生,只用全画幅单反相机和50mm 1.