郑伟大 ,1955年生 ,浙江省余姚市第四中学地理教师。1974年参加工作。1990年毕业于华东师范大学 (函授 ,地理教育专业 )。1982起从事中学地理教学 ,1989年被评为宁波市地理教坛新秀 ,1992年获宁波市地理教坛中坚等荣誉称号 ,先后于1990年和1993年破格晋升为中学一级教师和中学高级教师 ,1998年被评为浙江省地理特级教师。2000年参加全国中小学骨干教师培训班学习 ,现为浙江省地理学会理事、浙江省教育学会地理教学分会副会长。
Zheng Wei large, born in 1955, Zhejiang Yuyao fourth middle school geography teacher. In 1974 to work. In 1990 graduated from East China Normal University (correspondence, geography education). 1982 engaged in geography teaching in secondary schools, 1989 was named the rookie of Ningbo City, the geography of religion, Ningbo city in 1992 won the honorary title of the backbone of the geography of religion, has in 1990 and 1993 was promoted to a high school teacher and secondary school senior teacher In 1998, Zhejiang Province was rated as geography teacher. In 2000 to participate in the national primary and secondary school teacher training courses, Zhejiang Province is now director of Geography, Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Education, vice president of geography teaching branch.