标题“悲怆“由贝多芬自己“杜撰”,暗示了这首著名的《C小调钒琴奏鸣曲》(OP 13)悲壮激越的个性。贝多芬冲动的演奏和大师般的即兴的力量反映在奏鸣曲极度的力度对比、爆发性的重音和猛烈的和弦上。在他的创作早期,27岁的贝多芬已经形成一种有力的、富于独创性的钢琴风格,它预示了19世纪的浪漫主义。第一乐章:Grave(庄严、慢速的引子), Allegro molto e con brio(很快、辉煌的快板) 《悲怆》开始于C小调上的一个慢速而紧张的引子,由附点节奏(长-短-长-短-长-长)的开始动机主导。
The title, “Bento”, coined by Beethoven himself, implies the tragic, heroic character of the famous “Sonata of the V-Piano in the C minor” (OP 13). Beethoven’s impulsive play and master-like improvisational power are reflected in the extreme dynamics of sonatas, explosive stress and violent chords. Earlier in his creation, Beethoven, 27, had formed a powerful, original piano style that heralded 19th-century romanticism. The first movement: Grave (solemn, slow priming), Allegro molto e con brio (fast, glorious clapper) “Grievance” starts with a slow and intense priming on C minor, - short - long - short - long - long) the main motivation to start.