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为了庆祝纽约州档案与文件署成立10周年,我们把《为了文件》这份专辑的着眼点放在她过去所取得的成绩和当前所进行的活动上面。可以这么说:纽约州档案与文件署凭着自身的努力正在树立起自己应有的形象。目前,她所承担的州政府各机关的档案管理责任越来越重,在现代化档案管理的形成阶段,她的“管理员”地位也将逐步得到确立。但是,倘若忽视了未来,那么这种庆祝活动就不全面了。我们完全可以看到,愈往前走任务愈艰巨、挑战愈多,尤其是在档案与文件项目必须充分满足纽约州人需求的90年代。以下是我们所能够预见到的很可能出现于90年代的一些挑战。 第一,档案和文件的管理必须完全纳入州政府的日常工作,也就是说,我们不仅要完成州档案与文件署自身的工作,而且要负责地用现有的档案文件管理计划、方针和步骤去管理州行政机关的文件。在全面完成州档案与文件署内部任务的同时,必须使档案和文件的管理在州政府整个信息政策和信息实践中起到应有的作用。目前,政府方面仍然认为,档案主要是外面的学术研究者感兴趣的,而不认为是为政府本身服务的重要工具。而文件的管理,往往被认定只适用于以“纸张”为载 In celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the New York State Archives and Records Department, we focused on the documentary achievements of her album and the activities she is currently undertaking. It can be said: The New York State Archives and Documents Department is setting its own image with its own efforts. At present, she assumes the responsibility of archives management of various government agencies more and more. Her “administrator” status will also be gradually established during the formation of modern archives management. However, if you ignore the future, then this celebration is not comprehensive. We can well see that the more difficult the task, the more challenging the more we go, especially in the 1990s when archival and documentary projects must fully meet the needs of New Yorkers. Here are some of the challenges that we can foresee that are likely to emerge in the 1990s. First, the management of archives and documents must be fully integrated into the day-to-day work of the state government. That is, not only do we need to complete the work of the State Archives and Records Administration itself, but also be responsible for the responsible management of plans, policies and procedures with existing archives To manage the state administrative documents. While completing the internal tasks of the State Archives and Document Bureau, we must ensure that the management of archives and documents plays their due role in the entire information policy and information practice of the state government. At present, the government still believes that the archives are mainly of interest to outside academic researchers and are not regarded as important tools for serving the government itself. The management of documents is often found to apply only to “paper”
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