The rapid determination of manganese in ferromanganese, commonly used ammonium persulfate - silver salt method and ammonium nitrate method, the author of the volume method was discussed. Ferromanganese in addition to iron, carbon, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur and other elements contained in the aluminum, nickel, chromium, copper, calcium, titanium, magnesium and other elements are trace, as a quick analysis can not be considered. Therefore, triethanolamine masking iron (III) ions, the presence of hydroxylamine hydrochloride in the presence of the solution pH was adjusted to pH10 EGTA standard solution titration. EGTA does not with iron, aluminum, titanium, chromium, magnesium (lgK_ steady only 5.2) and other elements complex, it can avoid their interference. The choice of indicator is the key of this law. It has tested zinc reagent, chrome black T, thymolphthalein complexing agent, acid chrome blue K-Ceflane green B