2000年11月11日上午。在奥地利西部萨尔茨堡州卡普伦地区,一列满载上山乘客的高山缆索列车在隧道中失火,造成150人死亡。这是一起欧洲迄今为止最严重的高山缆索列车事故。这一高山缆索列车悲剧在奥地利乃至整个欧洲引起极大的震惊,奥地利政府11日发出指示,奥全国政府机构和驻外使馆下半旗两日,向罹难者致哀!此次事件给各国有关部门敲响了关注旅游安全的警钟。本文称:There was confusion over the death toll(死亡人数)。我国媒体先称172人丧生,后称150人丧生。 本文是一则及时而又成功的新闻报道,尤其是文章的主题句,一句话“拎”出整个事件的主要内容。】
November 11, 2000 morning. In the Kaprun region of western Austria in the Salzburg Region, a high-altitude cable train loaded with passengers on the mountain caught fire in the tunnel, killing 150 people. This is the worst alpine cable train accident in Europe to date. The tragedy of the high mountain cable train caused great shock in Austria and even in Europe. The Austrian government issued an instruction on the 11th, and the Austrian national government agencies and embassies to the foreign embassy marked the second half of the day and mourned the victims. The incident was knocked on to relevant departments of various countries. A warning bell sounded about the safety of travel. This article states: There was confusion over the death toll. In our media, 172 people were killed first and 150 people were later killed. This article is a timely and successful news report, especially the subject sentence of the article. The sentence “hits out” the main content of the entire incident. 】