Religions of all kinds not only have their own morality, but also their credo and tactics that emphasize moral cultivation, precepts and moral dignity far surpass some non-religious ethics schools. As a kind of social ideology, religious morality obeys the needs of the class, adapts to the psychology of some people in a certain period, and has enormous restraining power for the followers. To review the motives and effects of religious morality and to leave the empty talk of class practical interest analysis can not explain the issue. Under the realistic conditions in our country, the major social contradictions are no longer creed or precepts of antagonistic class conflicts and religious morals. As part of the internal part of the people, the motives for believers to practice evil and obey laws and discipline are good and their personal motivation and social effect are good This is the basis for religious harmony with socialist society. Must be motivated to consider God, the difference between God, science, superstition, is the “left” remnants of mischief. There are essential differences between religious morals and communist morals. In the overall social morality, the communist morality belongs to the highest level and the religious morality belongs to a lower level. Under the conditions of socialism, it is experiencing a process of development and abandonment. Communitarian morality does not include religious morality, and religious morality is not a supplement to communist morality. Today, religious morality should be guided by the principle of seeking common grounds while reserving differences and making the best use of its advantages to promote its active role in believing the masses.