克里蒂安·德·包赞巴克(Christian de Portzamparc)(图1)[1]是一位集诗哲、画家、城市规划者于一体的建筑师,于1994年获得普利兹克建筑奖桂冠,被誉为“法兰西的建筑诗人”。克里斯蒂安·德·包赞巴克是法国布塔列尼贵族后裔。1944年,其父参与突尼西亚战役期间,包赞巴克在摩洛哥的卡萨布兰卡出生,不久便随父亲回到法国生活。受家族影响,儿时的包赞巴克就对艺术感兴趣,尤其是绘画。包赞巴克在一次偶然的机会看到了建筑大师柯布西耶的建筑绘画作品,由此引发了他对建筑绘画空间表达的好奇心。青少年
Christian de Portzamparc (Figure 1) [1] is a poetic, painter and urban planner in one of the architects, received the Pritzker Prize in Architecture in 1994 , Known as “French architectural poet ”. Christian de Bautzenbach is a descendant of the French Butanen aristocracy. His father was born in Casablanca in Morocco in 1944 during his father’s participation in the Tunisian war and soon returned to France with his father. Affected by the family, childhood pack Zambek interested in art, especially painting. In a fortuitous opportunity, Zambruzak saw the architectural paintings of architect Geshe Boulevard, thus arousing his curiosity about the space of architectural painting. teens