Evaluation of blood pressure lowering effect by generic and brand-name antihypertensive drugs treatm

来源 :中华医学杂志英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yidatian2009
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Background::Generic drugs are bioequivalent to their brand-name counterparts; however, concerns still exist regarding the effectiveness and safety of generic drugs because of small sample sizes and short follow-up time in most studies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term antihypertensive efficacy, cost-effectiveness and cardiovascular outcomes of generic drugs compared with brand-name drugs.Methods::In a multicenter, community-based study including 7955 hypertensive patients who were prospectively followed up for an average of 2.5 years, we used the propensity-score-matching method to match the patients using brand-name drugs to those using generic drugs in a ratio of 1:2, 2176 patients using brand-name drugs and 4352 patients using generic drugs.Results::There were no significant differences between generic drugs and brand-name drugs in blood pressure (BP)-lowering efficacy, BP control rate, and cardiovascular outcomes including coronary heart disease and stroke. The adjusted mean (95% confidence interval [CI]) of systolic BP (SBP)-lowering was -7.9 mmHg (95% CI, -9.9 to -5.9) in the brand-name drug group and -7.1 mmHg (95% CI, -9.1 to -5.1) in the generic drug group after adjusting for age, sex, body mass index, number of antihypertensive drugs and traditionally cardiovascular risk factors. Among patients aged <60 years, brand-name drugs had a higher BP control rate (47% n vs. 41%; n P = 0.02) and a greater effect in lowering SBP compared with generic drugs, with the between-group difference of 1.5 mmHg (95% CI, 0.2-2.8; n P = 0.03). BP control rate was higher in male patients using brand-name drugs compared with those using generic drugs (46% n vs. 40%; n P = 0.01). Generic drugs treatment yielded an average annual incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $315.4 per patient per mmHg decrease in SBP compared with brand-name drugs treatment.n Conclusions::Our data suggested that generic drugs are suitable and cost-effective in improving hypertension management and facilitating public health benefits, especially in low- and middle-income areas.“,”Background::Generic drugs are bioequivalent to their brand-name counterparts; however, concerns still exist regarding the effectiveness and safety of generic drugs because of small sample sizes and short follow-up time in most studies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term antihypertensive efficacy, cost-effectiveness and cardiovascular outcomes of generic drugs compared with brand-name drugs.Methods::In a multicenter, community-based study including 7955 hypertensive patients who were prospectively followed up for an average of 2.5 years, we used the propensity-score-matching method to match the patients using brand-name drugs to those using generic drugs in a ratio of 1:2, 2176 patients using brand-name drugs and 4352 patients using generic drugs.Results::There were no significant differences between generic drugs and brand-name drugs in blood pressure (BP)-lowering efficacy, BP control rate, and cardiovascular outcomes including coronary heart disease and stroke. The adjusted mean (95% confidence interval [CI]) of systolic BP (SBP)-lowering was -7.9 mmHg (95% CI, -9.9 to -5.9) in the brand-name drug group and -7.1 mmHg (95% CI, -9.1 to -5.1) in the generic drug group after adjusting for age, sex, body mass index, number of antihypertensive drugs and traditionally cardiovascular risk factors. Among patients aged <60 years, brand-name drugs had a higher BP control rate (47% n vs. 41%; n P = 0.02) and a greater effect in lowering SBP compared with generic drugs, with the between-group difference of 1.5 mmHg (95% CI, 0.2-2.8; n P = 0.03). BP control rate was higher in male patients using brand-name drugs compared with those using generic drugs (46% n vs. 40%; n P = 0.01). Generic drugs treatment yielded an average annual incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $315.4 per patient per mmHg decrease in SBP compared with brand-name drugs treatment.n Conclusions::Our data suggested that generic drugs are suitable and cost-effective in improving hypertension management and facilitating public health benefits, especially in low- and middle-income areas.
他曾连续3年跻身央视春晚,2003年凭《谁说了算》摘得第二届CCTV杯相声大赛惟一的一等奖和“最佳逗哏奖”,他就是首届侯宝林金像奖得主陈寒柏。有多少人知道,这个男人和他的漂亮妻子之间有着怎样的故事。    “超级丑男”脸皮厚,“美丽公主”被感动    满嘴“海蛎子”味儿的陈寒柏出生在大连一个军人家庭。儿时的他就是搞笑的“活宝”,人瘦得跟麻秆一般不说,脖子还比别人长一截,大家都叫他“长脖”。1976
一、日本HIV—Ⅰ感染和艾滋病监测情况 根据日本国艾滋病监测委员会报告,截至1990年4月30日日本已发现艾滋病患者193例。 监测结果表明,艾滋病患者中26例为日本人,12例为外
2%灭菌生长素是一种高效广谱新农药,我们按“毒理学评价程序”的方法进行了毒理学检测,结果报告如下: 实验动物用SD大鼠及NIH小鼠。2%灭菌生长素为粉末状,有效成份灭菌灵占2%,
1951年,年仅17岁、英姿飒爽、身背萨克斯的范圣琦从哈尔滨来到北京,成为中国铁路文工团最年轻的团员。同年10月8日,团里周年庆祝,请来了赫赫有名的电影导演谢添。谢添即兴表演了口技“启瓶子”,赢得台下阵阵掌声和喝彩声。当时的范圣琦只是一个名不见经传的小字辈,用他的话讲“不敢巴结”,但谢添却在这个年轻人的心中深深地扎下了根。    结缘萨克斯    范圣琦与谢添真正结成莫逆之交是在上个世纪80年代。