在风景秀丽的北京市怀柔区境内,有一颗璀璨的明珠,它就是因有众多大雁停留而得名的天然湖泊——雁栖湖。由北京沿101国道向北50公里至怀柔区,再向北10公里,约80-90分钟的车程即可到达。 雁栖湖是北京市著名的旅游风景区,青山环抱、湖水碧绿、景色怡人,湖区周围宾馆、度假村星罗棋布,加之怀柔是虹鳟鱼养殖之乡,使它成为融自然风光、休闲娱乐、特色旅游(吃虹鳟鱼、农家饭、住农家
Huairou District in the scenic Beijing Huairou District, there is a bright pearl, it is due to the name of many wild geese stay named after the natural lake - Yanqi Lake. From Beijing along the 101 National Road 50 kilometers north to Huairou District, and then 10 kilometers north, about 80-90 minutes by car to reach. Yanqi Lake is a famous tourist area in Beijing, surrounded by green hills, with green lake and pleasant scenery. Hotels and resorts around the lake are dotted with Huairou, a rainbow trout breeding town making it a naturalistic, recreational and tourism destination Eat rainbow trout, farmer rice, live farmhouse