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中國古代青銅器是我國夏商周時代,特别是商周時代一顆耀眼的明珠,在古人的物質和政治文化生活中占有極其重要的地位。對此加以綜合研究,是中國考古學、歷史學、博物館學、古文字學,乃至文化、禮制、藝術、冶金史研究的重要課題。中國古代青銅器研究的歷史,可謂源遠流長。兩漢隋唐,已有青銅器出土的零星記述。北宋真宗以後,金石學勃然興起,青銅器及其銘文的研究,是其主要内容。吕 Ancient Chinese bronze ware is a dazzling pearl of Xia and Shang Dynasties in our country, especially in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. It occupies an extremely important position in the material and political and cultural life of the ancients. Comprehensive research on this is an important issue for the study of Chinese archeology, history, museum science, ancient philology, and even culture, ritual, art, and metallurgy. The history of ancient Chinese bronze research can be described as long history. Two Han Sui and Tang Dynasties, there are sporadic bronze unearthed account. Since the founding of the Northern Song Dynasty, the study of gemmology has exploded. The study of bronzes and their inscriptions is the main content. Lu