作者对西北5省(区)13个地区的脑血管病(cerebral vascular disease,CVD)患者进行了1:2的病例对照研究,分析了遗传因素在脑中风病因中的作用。结果表明,阳性家族史者中风的危险性显著增加(OR男/女=5.84/6.58),梗塞组OR高于出血组,女性高于男性。作者认为遗传因素是CVD的一个危险因素,它在一定程度上受高血压因素的混杂影响,是可以和心脏病、糖尿病等因素共同起作用的。
The authors performed a 1: 2 case-control study of cerebral vascular disease (CVD) in 13 regions of the 5 provinces (regions) in the northwest China and analyzed the role of genetic factors in stroke pathogenesis. The results showed that the risk of stroke was significantly increased in the positive family history (OR male / female = 5.84 / 6.58). The infarction group OR was higher than the bleeding group and the female was higher than the male. Authors believe that genetic factors is a risk factor for CVD, it is to some extent affected by the mixed effects of high blood pressure, and heart disease, diabetes and other factors can work together.