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开标时名落孙山卡拉奇气温竞高达38℃,走在街上,偶尔吹过来的风都烫脸。“开标”大厅里的空调机在开足马力地疯狂运行着,我们还是汗流浃背,这不仅是因为气温高,还因为大家都处在一种异常紧张的氛围中。招标人在以投标顺序依次宣读着投标书中的投标额,人们都在全神贯注地倾听着。尽管我一个劲儿地叮嘱自己,别慌,沉住气,又不是第一次出来投标,可汗水还是一股脑儿往外冒。巴基斯坦在政府采购及许多民间贸易中,常常都采用招标方式。这是当今世界颇为盛行的一种贸易方式。这次是卡拉奇 MK公司为向非洲出口花布而采取的一次招标。MK 公司在招标文件中已写明了所需商品的技术要求以及采取的商务条件等,所以,这实际上是买家一次集中竞相购货,只不过 When the opening ceremony named Sun Mountain Karachi temperature competition up to 38 ℃, walking in the street, and occasionally blowing the wind are hot. The air conditioners in the lobby were running wildly and we were sweating not only because of the high temperatures but also because we were all in an extremely tense atmosphere. The tenderee read out the bidding amount in the bidding order in order of bidding, and people all listened attentively. Although I told myself to keep pressing, do not panic, heavy gas, not the first time out of the tender, sweat or brain run out. Pakistan often uses bidding in government procurement and many non-governmental trade. This is a very popular form of trade in the world today. This is a bidding by Karachi MK for the export of fabrics to Africa. MK company in the tender documents have been written on the technical requirements of the goods required and the business conditions taken, so this is actually a buyer focus on competing purchases, but
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一点通:怎么样?垃圾邮件被删除了吗?今天,我们一起来学习使用邮件模板。笨笨熊:模板?是WORD中的模板吗?这我可熟呢! What's the matter? Spam is deleted? Today, we learn
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由中建一局科研所和中国建研院物理所共同研究而成的贴膜窗于10月29日在北京通过技术鉴定。 The film window jointly researched by the Institute of Physics of the Chi