Loss of the market In 1986, the United States first saw a deficit in high-tech trade. The share of the United States in the consumer electrical product market, which was 100% in 1970, has now plummeted to less than 5%. The United States’ core industrial sector is being challenged by foreign competitors. For example, by 1986, Japan had captured 65% of the world’s semiconductor market, and the United States’ share has fallen to below 30%. From 1970 to 1987, the share of U.S. companies in the U.S. phonograph market dropped from 90% to 1%, and the share of TV companies in the color TV market dropped from 90% to 10%, which is accounted for in the machine tool market. The share dropped from 100% to 35%, and the share of the cassette tape recorder market dropped from 10% to 1%.