黑胶唱片,俗称LP,这种以模拟方式来记录声音信号的媒体出现至今已经长达半个世纪之多了。在黑胶唱片的发展过程中,曾带动整个音响业制造出不少高级的黑胶唱盘系统。例如:英国的Nottingham、SME、Linn,德国的Thorens,瑞士的Goldmund,美国的Rockport Technology以及以使用气浮技术而著称的瑞典Forsell等品牌,都是HI-END音响界中的耀眼明星。即使面对CD、SACD、DVD-Audio等现今数码音乐光盘的普及状态下,黑胶唱片仍然以其独特的“模拟味道”以及优秀的音乐表现能力而成为相当一部分发烧友的至爱。而且黑胶唱片的制造工艺比较复杂,能有效地减少盗版制品的产生。综合以上种种情况,一些厂商最近纷纷推出高级黑胶唱盘系统以满足喜欢模拟声音的发烧友,Amari(阿玛尼)LP-200就是其中之一。
Vinyl records, commonly known as LPs, have been in existence for more than half a century as analog media for recording sound signals. In the development of vinyl records, it has brought along the entire audio industry to create a lot of advanced vinyl turntable systems. For example, Nottingham, SME, Linn in the UK, Thorens in Germany, Goldmund in Switzerland, Rockport Technology in the United States and Sweden’s Forsell, which is famous for its air-flotation technology, are the dazzling stars in the HI-END audio industry. Even in the face of popularization of today’s digital music CDs such as CDs, SACDs and DVD-Audio, vinyl records are still a favorite of enthusiasts due to their unique “analog taste” and outstanding musical performance. Moreover, the manufacturing process of vinyl records is rather complicated and can effectively reduce the production of pirated products. Taken together, Amari LP-200 is one of a number of manufacturers that have recently introduced advanced vinyl turntable systems to satisfy enthusiasts who like analog sound.