结核病诊断一般并不困难,然而结核性腹膜炎(腹水型),由于其症状和体征与肝硬化并原发性腹膜炎的病例极其相似,临床上往往容易误诊。现将我院近两年首诊为肝硬化并原发性腹膜炎、后确诊为结核性腹膜炎者10例,分析如下: 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 本组10例均来自农村。男6例,女4例。最小年龄13岁,最大年龄35岁,平均年龄23.5岁。住院前均诊断为肝硬化并原发性腹膜炎。 1.2 临床表现 (1)主要症状:发热10例、咳嗽5例、盗汗6例、腹胀10例、腹痛4例、腹泻3例、尿少10例。
Tuberculosis diagnosis is generally not difficult, but tuberculous peritonitis (ascites), because of its symptoms and signs and cirrhosis and primary peritonitis cases are extremely similar, often clinically misdiagnosed. Now in our hospital nearly two years first diagnosis of cirrhosis and primary peritonitis, after the diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis in 10 cases, as follows: 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information The group of 10 patients were from rural areas. 6 males and 4 females. The youngest age is 13 years old, the oldest is 35 years old and the average is 23.5 years old. Pre-hospital diagnosis of cirrhosis and primary peritonitis. 1.2 Clinical manifestations (1) The main symptoms: fever in 10 cases, cough in 5 cases, night sweats in 6 cases, bloating in 10 cases, abdominal pain in 4 cases, 3 cases of diarrhea, oliguria in 10 cases.