The use of a new empirical correlation based on large databases to estimate the physical properties of crude oil is superior to the previously published industry standard correlations. The new correlation is established for the following physical properties of crude oil: (1) formation volume factor of crude oil; (2) dissolved gas to oil ratio; (3) bubble point pressure; (4) viscosity of crude oil without gas; (5) viscosity of saturated crude oil; Crude oil viscosity; ⑦ isothermal compression coefficient of saturated crude oil; ⑧ natural gas gravity correction factor; ⑨ flash crude oil formation volume factor is converted to differentiated crude oil formation volume factor conversion factor. These correlations are a function of the field-testable parameters such as temperature, pressure, fraction of natural gas, and specific gravity of crude oil in a tank. They are all derived from a large database (A) that contains world-wide hydrocarbon data. In addition, these other correlations have been validated by a separate database containing previously published material.