陈集忍 Chn J rn(1933— ) 河南西平人。1960年毕业于中国人民大学历史档案系。历任贵州省人民委员会办公厅科员,贵州省档案局秘书,贵州省档案馆副馆长。副研究馆员。合著有《档案史料编纂学》,发表有《中央红军争取创建川滇黔边区根据地的斗争》、《中国工农红军反围剿斗争的历史性胜利》(合写)、《贵州抗日救国军纪事》等文,合编有《红军转战贵州》、《贵州省省情·附录大事记略》等档案史料汇编。
Chen Ren tolerance Chn J rn (1933-) Henan Xiping people. In 1960 graduated from Renmin University of China Department of history archives. Served as the Guizhou Provincial People’s Committee General Office staff, Guizhou Province Archives Secretary, Deputy Director of Guizhou Provincial Archives. Associate research librarian. Co-author of “Archives Historical Compilation”, published “the Central Red Army for the creation of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou border base struggle”, “Chinese workers and peasants Red Army fight against the historic victory” (co-write), “Guizhou Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army Chronicle” And other languages, co-editor of the “Red Army fought in Guizhou”, “Provincial Affairs of Guizhou province, appendix omitted” and other archives historical compilation.