邓小平三谈“傻子”年广久 1979年,年广久请的雇工有12个人。社会主义还能搞雇工?这是不是属于剥削?大家争论不休。而当时的农村改革,特别是安徽的农村改革,也引起了刚刚恢复工作不久的邓小平的关注。1980年,邓小平热情地肯定了安徽的包产到户与大包干,邓小平看到“傻子瓜子”问题的调查报告后,当时就对个私经济发展给予肯定,并对一些人关于姓“社”姓“资”的争论,表示要“放一放”和“看一看”。
Deng Xiaoping three talk about “fool ” a long time in 1979, a long time to hire the hire of 12 people. Can socialism still employ workers? Is this a matter of exploitation? At the time, rural reforms, especially Anhui’s rural reforms, also aroused the concern of Deng Xiaoping, who just returned to work. In 1980, Deng Xiaoping warmly affirmed the package-to-house and contract-based work in Anhui. After Deng Xiaoping’s investigation of the issue of “stupid boy”, he affirmed the development of the private economy at the time, The controversy over the “family name” and “family name” means “letting go” and “having a look”.