When negotiating compensationpackages in situations notregulated by a collectiveagreement or rigid pay scale, there are manymore things of value other than just a highersalary that may be won by employing goodnegotiating tactics. Start by taking a close look at yourfinancial needs, understanding the currentmarket demand for your skills, andapproaching the whole remuneration questionin a holistic manner. There could be somevalue in seeking perks and benefits that yourprospective employer might be moreamenable to rather than a higher base salary.
When negotiating compensationpackages in situations notregulated by a collectiveagreement or rigid pay scale, there are manymore things of value other than just a highersalary that may be won by employing good negotiating tactics. Start by taking a close look at yourfinancial needs, understanding the currentmarket demand for your skills, andapproaching the whole remuneration questionin a holistic manner. There could be somevalue in seeking perks and benefits that yourprospective employer might be moreamenable to rather than a higher base salary.