意大利队:打法先进人材济济意大利队是世界公认的足球强队,虽然它在预赛时的积分并不在前列,但人们从未怀疑过意大利队进不了决赛圈。果然,意大利队最后以欧洲预赛区第一组第一名的身份出线。意大利国内紧张、激烈而具有“小世界杯赛”之称的足球甲级联赛,造就了一批又一批的足球人材,但对现任国家队教练阿里戈·萨基来说,只要谁与他的意见有分歧或战术思想不合拍,谁就得不到重用。于是,许多球星只赛了一场即被停用,一些著名球星如贝尔戈尼,斯基拉奇没有用武之地,曾加、维亚利等国家队老将也被放逐。相反,也许是他长期担任 AC
Italy: play advanced talent Jinan is the world recognized football team, although it points in the preliminaries are not in the forefront, but people never doubt the Italian team can not enter the finals. Sure enough, the Italian team finally qualify as the first group in the European Preliminary Division. Italy tensions and intense “Small World Cup,” said the Football League, has created a batch of football talent, but the current national team coach Aligo Sacchi, as long as who and his Disagreements or differences in tactical thinking, who will not be reused. As a result, many star was only a game that was disabled, some famous stars such as Beieroni, Squillaci no useless, Zenga, Vialli and other national team veterans were banished. On the contrary, perhaps he is long-term AC