Double perovskite oxides Sr_2Mg_(1-x)Fe_xMoO(6-δ) for catalytic oxidation of methane

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunjian
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The double perovskite oxides Sr2Mg1-xF exMoO6-δ were investigated as catalysts for the methane oxidation.The structural properties of catalysts were characterized in detail by X-ray diffraction,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy.The catalytic property was strongly influenced by the Fe substitution.The relation between catalytic performance and the degree of Fe substitution was examined with regard to the structure and surface characteristics of the mixed oxides.The Fe-containing catalysts exhibited higher activity attributable to the possible(Fe2+,Mo6+) and (Fe3+,Mo5+)valency pairs,and the highest activity was observed for Sr2Mg0.2Fe0.8MoO6-δ.The enhancement of the catalytic activity may be correlated with the Fe-relating surface lattice oxygen species and was discussed in view of the presence of oxygen vacancies. The double perovskite oxides Sr2Mg1-xF exMoO6-δ were investigated as catalysts for the methane oxidation. The structural properties of the catalysts were characterized in detail by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The catalytic property was strongly influenced by the Fe substitution. The relation between catalytic performance and the degree of Fe substitution was examined with regard to the structure and surface characteristics of the mixed oxides. The Fe-containing catalysts examined higher activity attributable to the possible (Fe2 +, Mo6 +) and (Fe3 +, Mo5 +) valency pairs, and the highest activity was observed for Sr2Mg0.2Fe0.8MoO6- delta. The enhancement of the catalytic activity may be correlated with the Fe-relating surface lattice oxygen species and was discussed in view of the presence of oxygen vacancies.
希·拉·阮冈纳赞(Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan)是世界著名图书馆学家,印度的图书馆学之父。美国《图书馆学情报学百科全书》中《阮冈纳赞》词条“生平”部分的结尾句是:
A novel inorganic-organic compound (C4N2H12)(C2N2H10)2[Mo5P2O23] (1) has been synthesized by the reaction of (NH4)2MoO4, H3PO4, C2N2H8 (ethylenediaminium), C4N2
创业    余梦从下岗的那一天起,就梦想自己做老板。在完成了最初的资金积累后,她开始寻找项目。朋友提醒了她:“民以食为天。现在的人们对吃越来越讲究,除了吃饱吃好外,还要吃出健康。现代都市女性为了健康,开始提倡素食。你不妨开家素食馆。”  朋友的话让她动了心。经过一番市场调研,余梦认定,素食馆在山东临沂这个客商云集的城市,会有一定市场。她马上开始了前期准备工作,从选店址到装修,只用了三个月的时间。门