目的 本项研究分析了经皮腔内成形术及支架植入术治疗髂动脉及股动脉动脉硬化性狭窄的早期及晚期临床疗效。方法和结果 从1994年12月至1997年3月,为33名患者的37条髂、股动脉血管内植入43个Wallstent支架,手术全部成功。临床随访(26±14)个月,术后间歇性跛行及休息痛等症状均消失。23例患者中的17例(20条血管)进行血管造影随访,随访时间(10 ± 5)个月。血管造影随访时髂动脉支架内再狭窄率为0(0/8);股动脉再狭窄率为33%(3/9),全部3例患者的3条再狭窄的股动脉,均成功地再次行PTA。结论 髂动脉和股动脉PTA和支架术是一种安全有效的方法,成功率高,并发症少。
Objective This study analyzed the early and late clinical outcomes of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stenting in the treatment of atherosclerotic stenosis of the iliac and femoral arteries. Methods and Results From December 1994 to March 1997, a total of 43 Wallstent stents were implanted into 37 iliac and femoral arteries in 33 patients. All the procedures were successful. Clinical follow-up (26 ± 14) months, postoperative intermittent claudication and rest pain and other symptoms disappeared. Thirteen of 23 patients (20 vessels) underwent angiographic follow-up (10 ± 5) months. The rate of restenosis was 0 (0/8) in the iliac artery stent graft at angiographic follow-up; the rate of restenosis in the femoral artery was 33% (3/9), and all three of the 3 patients had three restenosis in the femoral artery, Line PTA. Conclusion The iliac artery and femoral artery PTA and stenting are a safe and effective method with high success rate and few complications.