配方设计在激光玻璃制备过程中尤为重要,能够按照预先设定的技术指标进行配方设计一直是研究人员的目标,无机氧化物玻璃物理性质计算体系就是其中的代表之一,但该体系中未涉及玻璃光谱特性。为此,将塞耳迈耶尔公式与色散曲线结合起来,通过计算得到掺杂激光玻璃的本征频率和振子强度,进而可以计算玻璃的吸收性能,依据玻璃光谱性能的要求来调制配方,这样缩短了研发周期并且保证后期实验中快速找到优秀配方,后期的实验证明这些配方经过降温处理后形成玻璃并且从实验结果中找到了符合设计目标的激光玻璃。“,”Glass formulation design is particularly important in laser glass preparation processes according to predetermined qualification. Traditional calculation systems of physical properties of inorganic oxide glass were outstanding representatives, but those systems usually do not involve glass spectral characteristics. The absorption properties of glass were calculated by considering the intrinsic vibration frequency and amplitude of doped laser glass and considering the Sellmeier equation and dispersion curve together. If the formulation design is changed based on the calculated glass spectrum performance, it could greatly shorten the development cycle and ensure quickly to find an optimal formulation in experiments. It is proved in the experiments that these formulations could be used to generate favorable glass states after the cooling process.