伊拉克位于波斯湾西北角,面积43.5万平方公里,人口2200万,底格里斯河和幼发拉底河自北向南流淌,冲积出美索不达米亚平原,巴格达是伊拉克首都,就坐落在底格里斯河上游。 巴格达的建立者,阿跋斯王朝第二代哈里发曼索尔把巴格达称作“和平之城”。这座原来中东最繁华的城市,也是
Located in the northwestern corner of the Persian Gulf, Iraq covers an area of 435,000 square kilometers and has a population of 22 million. The Tigris and Euphrates flow from north to south and alluviate the Mesopotamia plain. Baghdad is the capital of Iraq and is located in the upper reaches of the Tigris. Baghdad founder, Abbasid second-generation caliphate Mansour called Baghdad “a city of peace.” This is the most prosperous city in the Middle East, too