制定合理的大豆田杂草防除策略,有效地控制杂草危害,对大幅度增加大豆产量,改进品质,提高生产效益至关重要。合理的杂草防除策略应建立在对杂草发生和危害规律的正确认识上,现根据已有的研究结果,仅就黑龙江省大豆田杂草防除策略提出如下看法,供进一步研究探讨。 (一) 黑龙江省大豆田杂草的发生和危害根据我们调查,黑龙江省大豆田杂草以一年生杂草为主,其中稗草危害最严重,其发生频率和危害指数均居首位。其次是藜、蓼、苋、鸭跖草和狗尾草,再次是苍耳和香薷,野燕麦在部分地区危害也很严重。多年生杂草以苣荬菜和问荆的发生频率和危害指数最高。
It is very important to formulate a reasonable weed control strategy in soybean field to effectively control the weed hazards and greatly increase soybean yield, improve quality and increase production efficiency. Reasonable weed control strategy should be based on the correct understanding of the law of weed occurrence and damage. Based on the existing research results, we propose the following opinions on the strategy of weed control in soybean field in Heilongjiang Province for further study. (I) Occurrence and Harms of Weeds in Soybean Fields in Heilongjiang Province According to our investigation, the weeds in soybean field in Heilongjiang Province are dominated by annual weeds, of which Echinochloa crus-gallbladder is the most endangered, and its occurrence frequency and hazard index rank the first place. Followed by the quinoa, Polygonum, amaranth, Commelina and Setaria, again Xanthium and incense, wild oats in some parts of the damage is also very serious. Perennial weeds and chrysanthemum to ask Jing occurrence frequency and hazard index highest.