目前正在研究有关肺炎支原体、人型支原体(M.hominis)和T株支原体(Urea-plasma urealyticum)在人类疾病中的作用。肺炎支原体可引起原发性非典型性肺炎,并已被确认为呼吸道的一种病原。支原体感染的并发症正在认识中;其中包括血液、心血管、中枢神经、肌肉骨胳,皮肤和胃肠道系统的紊乱。生殖道支原体如人型支原体和T株支原体的作用尚有争论,但它们可引起生殖道和怀孕时的感染以及新生儿疾病,例如新生儿肺炎和脑膜炎。本文描述了由肺炎支
The roles of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Mycoplasma hominis and Urea-plasma urealyticum in human diseases are currently under study. Mycoplasma pneumoniae can cause SARS and has been identified as a respiratory pathogen. Complications of mycoplasma infection are being recognized; these include disorders of the blood, cardiovascular, central nervous, musculoskeletal, cutaneous and gastrointestinal systems. Mycoplasma genitalium such as Mycoplasma hominis and Mycoplasma T are still debated, but they can cause genital tract and pregnancy-induced infections as well as neonatal diseases such as neonatal pneumonia and meningitis. This article describes the branch of pneumonia