收入分配制度改革是确保人民生活水平不断提高的制度保障。 在改革需要深化、发展尤为关键的今天,这一制度改革显得十分重 要。这是困为,如果收入分配制度缺乏公平,即使经济能够增长,但增长的果实只会集中在一小部分人的手中而无法由全体人民共同分享,从而造成两极分化的局面;如果收入分配制度本身缺乏合理的有 效的激励机制,社会生产力就不可能持续解放和发展,平均主义的分 配制度必然影响广大民众的积极性,最终无法保证经济的持续快速 增长。目前,收入分配制度中,上述两个缺乏的现象同时存在,足见改 革的紧迫。
The reform of the income distribution system is to ensure that people’s living standards continue to improve the system of protection. At a time when reform needs to be deepened and development is particularly crucial, the reform of this system is very important. If the income distribution system lacks fairness, even if the economy can grow, the fruits of growth will only be concentrated in the hands of a small number of people and can not be shared by all the people, resulting in polarization. If the income distribution system Lack of a reasonable and effective incentive mechanism can not sustain the emancipation and development of the social productive forces. The egalitarian system of distribution inevitably affects the enthusiasm of the general public and ultimately fails to ensure sustained and rapid economic growth. At present, the two phenomena of lack of existence in the income distribution system at the same time show the urgency of the reform.