我们知道,采用I~2C总线控制技术的新型彩电,挂接到I~2C总线上的每个IC(编者注:集成电路,下同)与主控CPU实现双向通讯。I~2C总线一旦保护,机器也呈“三无”状态。那么怎样检修I~2C总线保护故障呢? 因开关电源与行、场扫描电路一般不受I~2C总线控制,故开关电源与行、场扫描电路引起的“三无”按常规方法处理。若故障机的+B电压正常,机器呈“三无”状态,则说明是I~2C总线保护所致。这时应把被控IC逐个从I~2C总线上脱开,当机器可正常启动时,说明刚脱开的IC就是损坏件,不必再对该IC进行电压、在路阻值之
We know that the new color TV with I ~ 2C bus control technology, each IC mounted on the I ~ 2C bus (Editor’s Note: IC, the same below) with the host CPU to achieve two-way communication. Once I ~ 2C bus protection, the machine also showed “three no” state. So how to repair I ~ 2C bus protection fault? Because of switching power supply and line, field scanning circuit is generally not controlled by I ~ 2C bus, so the switching power supply and line, field scanning circuit caused by the “three no” according to the conventional method. If the fault of the machine + B voltage is normal, the machine was “three no” state, it shows that I ~ 2C bus protection due. In this case, the controlled ICs should be disconnected one by one from the I ~ 2C bus. When the machine can be started normally, it indicates that the IC that has just been disconnected is the damaged one, and it is no longer necessary to apply voltage to the IC.