上海自贸试验区挂牌成立3周年、扩区1周年以来,经济活力明显增强。截至今年4月底,上海自贸试验区累计新设企业3.5万家,其中新设外资企业超过5 500家,新设外资企业的平均注册资本接近内资企业的2倍。尤其是自贸区扩区一年来,全市近一半外资企业落户在自贸区,新设外资企业数占比从
Since the 3rd anniversary of the listing of Shanghai FTZ and the 1 st anniversary of expansion, the economic vitality has been significantly enhanced. As of the end of April this year, a total of 35,000 new enterprises have been set up in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, including over 5,500 newly established foreign-funded enterprises. The average registered capital of newly established foreign-funded enterprises is nearly double that of domestic-funded enterprises. In particular, since the expansion of the free trade zone in the past year, nearly half of the city’s foreign-funded enterprises settled in the free trade zone, the number of newly established foreign-funded enterprises accounted for