资金向来是困扰中小企业做大做强的拦路虎。现实的态势是:一方面 高速成长的我国中小企业严重“缺 血”;一方面国际资本市场庞大的资 金在寻找出路。 如何将国际资本引入来浇灌我国 蓬勃生长的中小企业?我国中小企业 如何在WTO的背景下拿到获取国际 资本的金钥匙?深圳市高交创业投资 管理有限公司总裁、海外归来的卢少 平博士介绍了中小企业国际融资的一 些途径。 利用国际金融市场,已有良好开端 目前,我国企业资本主要来源 有:自身积累的资金、银行借贷、证 券市场融资。 对于我国众多的中小企业来说, 在国内上市往往困难较多。据统计, 我国有3000多家企业希望上市,但每
Funds have always plagued SMEs bigger and stronger stumbling block. The actual situation is: on the one hand, the rapid growth of China's small and medium-sized enterprises is seriously “lacking in blood.” On the one hand, the huge capital in the international capital market is finding a way out. How to bring in international capital to irrigate our thriving small and medium-sized enterprises? How can Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises obtain the golden key to obtain international capital under the background of WTO? Dr. Lu Shaoping, president of Shenzhen Gaojiao Venture Capital Management Co., Ltd. and returning overseas Some Ways for International Financing of SMEs. Making Good Use of International Financial Markets At present, the main sources of corporate capital in China are: self-accumulated funds, bank loans and securities market financing. For many SMEs in China, the domestic market is often more difficult to go public. According to statistics, more than 3,000 enterprises in our country hope to go public, but each