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历史上有两个清官常被人提起,一是海瑞,一是曾国藩。海瑞的清正一代罕见。这位熟读“子曰诗云”的前教书先生,一入仕途就展示了与别的官员截然不同的形象。他常穿布袍,吃粗粮糙米,每餐的蔬菜都是老仆人种的。一年到头,极少吃荤菜,母亲七十大寿买了两斤肉都成了别人的笑谈。依当时的社会风气,新官上任总有人送礼金、礼品予以祝贺,官方对此也睁一只眼闭一只眼,海瑞却非常反感这种行为,他一做官,即在官衙门口贴出 Historically, two honest officials were often mentioned, one was Hai Rui and the other was Zeng Guofan. Hairui Qing generation rare. The former teacher familiar with the book, “Poetry Cloud”, displayed a very different image from other officials when he entered his career. He often wore robes, coarse grains and brown rice, and the vegetables of every meal were of the old servants. Throughout the year, eat meat dishes rarely, seventy birthday mother bought two pounds of meat have become others joke. According to the current social atmosphere, the new official appointment always gifts of gifts, gifts to be congratulated, the official also keep one eye closed one eye, Hai Rui is very disgusted with this behavior, he is an official, that is, the official Yamen mouth stickers Out
AIM: To investigate if the nucleoside analogue lamivudine (LAM), a potent inhibitor of HBV replication, could restore the function of dendritic cells derived fr
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据詹氏武器年鉴1983~1984年版披露,美“Teledyne Continental Motors”公司所属General Products Division”分公司自1978年开始研究,现在已推出了一种被称为“High Performa
前言 目前关于最优导引律的文献中,除文献讨论了将导引对象视为具有瞬时响应特性的质点,考虑了控制的法向约束而外,其他均未考虑控制的约束问题。为了大幅度地提高导引精度,