高危人群主要是指暂住人口中的“三无”、归正人员,即具有实施犯罪的某种客观因素,又 有犯罪可疑迹象,但尚未发现、掌握其已进行的犯罪事实,不能对其开展立案侦查,又无法用常住人口 重口管理方法来管理的人员。本文拟对建立暂住人口管理中的犯罪高危人群数据库问题进行论析。
The high-risk groups mainly refer to the “three noes” in temporary population and the rehabilitated staff, that is, they have certain objective factors of committing crimes and have suspicious signs of crimes. However, they have not found out that it is impossible to grasp the criminal facts they have committed Undertake investigation, but also unable to use the resident population weight management approach to manage personnel. This article intends to analyze the problem of establishing a database of high risk population of crime in temporary population management.