本研究旨在运用量表的手段测定和分析学生的性格特点,为学校更有针对性地制订教育、教学工作计划,进行群体教育和更好地因材施教提供依据。 测试样本的选择:为了兼顾被试的普遍性,选择的是非重点校学生。参加测试的是1991年9月入学的初一新生,年龄在12—14岁之间,人数为200人。测试后收回有效答卷195份(其中男95份,女100份)。 测试量表选用的是《Y·G——WR性格检查量表(中学)》(简称YG量表)。此量表是美国心理学家吉尔福特(G)编制的。1986年武汉市教育科学研究所把此量表的中学和小学部分引进我国,并进行了修订,于1988年通过鉴定。 一 初一学生性格分布及剖析
The purpose of this study is to measure and analyze students’ personality traits by means of a scale and to provide a basis for schools to make more targeted education and teaching work plans, conduct group education and better teach students in accordance with their aptitudes. The choice of test samples: In order to take into account the universality of the subjects, the choice of non-key school students. Participating in the test was the first freshman enrolled in September 1991, aged 12-14, with a population of 200. After the test, 195 valid copies (95 males and 100 females) were collected. The test scale used was “Y · G - WR character checklist (middle school)” (YG scale for short). The scale was compiled by American psychologist Gilford (G). In 1986, Wuhan Institute of Education and Science introduced the middle and primary schools of this scale into our country and revised it and passed the appraisal in 1988. The Character Distribution and Analysis of a First - grade Student