2001年被称为是中国的宽带投资年,以长宽、聚友网络为首的民间资本和中国电信、网通等电信运营商掀起了投资热潮.电信运营商在骨干网络、城域网和社区宽带网络等各个领域都展开了积极的争夺,而以长宽为首的民间资本争夺的重点则是宽带社区网络.“,”Thanks to the great upsurge in investment, the year 2001 witnessedapid development in broadband network. The total users of it in that year reached1.9 million, nearly 10 times 180,000 by the end of 2000; and the revenue ofbroadband value-added service increased from RMB 20 million by the end of 2000 to RMB200 million. Obviously the output above appears extremely slim in comparison with thevast investment. As most of the broadband community network companies are facing deficit,the loss of RMB189 million incurred to Great Wall Broadband Network last year and thenumber may keep grow this year. The broadband network companies have to face thepressure posed by convergence as most of their capital for broadband investment comefrom bank loans, which leads to unaffordable interests.