Select rapeseed areas in the Yangtze River Basin in Anhui Province to study the status of lack of S and rape plant sulfur nutrition status. The results showed that the available S content was 15.31mgkg-1 in the rapeseed producing area of Yangtze River valley in Anhui Province. The situation of lacking S was more serious. The proportion of missing S soil was as high as 63.10% and the potential lack of S soil was 35.48%. The main soil types are the most severely deficient in gray tide soil, with up to 80% of the available S deficient. All rapeseed S content of 5.08 ~ 20.18gkg-1, with an average of 10.02gkg-1. The content of S in flowers and leaves was higher, the content of total S was 11.06gkg-1 and 11.00gkg-1 on average, and the content of S in stem was lower and the average content of total S was only 8.00gkg-1. All rapeseed flowers and leaves S content more than 8 ~ 16gkg-1, S stem content of 6 ~ 10gkg-1 between. The regression equation of y1 = 3.79782 + 0.88501x-0.02265x2 (R2 = 0.4156 **, y1) was significant positive correlation between the contents of total S in leaves, Y2 = 3.6548 + 0.86280x-0.02111x2 (R2 = 0.26569 **, F = 5.07), y3 = 3.78016 + 0.45330x- 0.00981x2 (R2 = 0.34399 **, F = 7.32) .