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为了贯彻执行国务院关于暂缓实行凭票购买熟食的指示,并解决我省当前市、镇粮食定量供应中存在的若干问题,特作如下规定,希遵照执行。一、关于熟食凭票问题,凡已实行的市镇,决定自一九五六年一月一日起一律退回来停止实行。如因时间来不及可延至一月十号左右,但必须做好各项准备工作。在停止实行的同时,为了稳定熟食市场,保证流动人口的供应与防止挤购抢购,特采取如下措施:(一)停止凭票购买熟食后,各地必须对熟食行业用粮实行严格掌握,一定要稳定在一九五五年三、四季度平均销售水平上,并实行按月按季的预决算制度,逐行、逐业、逐户将用粮指标加以控制,做到合理分配。并根据市场需要,对熟食商业纲应结合社会主义改造进行全面规划,分别组织国营饭店、公私合营饭店、农民食堂、合作食堂,明确服务对象,合理摆布设点。对交通沿线及铁路、 In order to implement the State Council’s instructions on suspending the implementation of the purchase of cooked foods by paying bills and solving certain problems existing in the current quantitative supply of food in the cities and towns in our province, the following provisions are made in particular and they are implemented in compliance with the regulations. 1. Regarding the problem of cooked food and paying tickets, all towns that have already been implemented have decided to withdraw from January 1, 1956, and stop their implementation. If it is too late, it may be delayed until January 10, but all preparations must be done. In order to stabilize the cooked food market, ensure the supply of migrants and prevent crowded buying, the following measures are taken in particular: (1) After stopping the purchase of cooked food, the local authorities must exercise strict control over the food used in the cooked food industry. Stabilize the average sales levels in the third and fourth quarters of 1995, and implement a quarterly budget and final accounts system, which will use the grain indicators to control each line, industry, and household and distribute them in a reasonable manner. According to the needs of the market, the Cooked Food Business Plan should be comprehensively planned in accordance with the socialist transformation. State-run hotels, public-privately-run hotels, farmer canteens, and cooperative canteens should be organized to clarify the target of service and be reasonably placed. For traffic along the railway and railway,
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王先生总是不来。  时间已过七时半,他向来晚到,出现得从无定时。阿小也习惯等。王先生不来,一屋子的寂静就更放肆一些,更深厚一些。旁人或许会这么想,但这是不对的。阿小知道,即便公寓里总是悄悄的,其实骚动都在墙里。墙缝后面蟑螂蠢蠢欲动,如欲打电话公布不伦关系的第三人。阒寂的夜里,偶有鼠族细密的脚步哒哒排着地面踩过去,像是小孩在啃咬指甲。如果这时候房间漏出灯光或者脚步声,那声音就停了。  她在黑暗中想象
’96珠海国际航展闭幕后,国外和港台传媒陆续予以评述。本期选择两篇加以介绍,一篇见本期第42页;以下这篇摘自香港Defence Inter-national今年1月号。本刊转载该文,并不表示