中国煤炭加工利用协会第一次会员代表大会代表同志们: 我本来准备去参加这次大会,因出席重要会议,因此不能参加你们的大会。在此,我代表国家计委向大会表示热烈的祝贺! 煤炭加工利用协会成立七年来,做了大量工作,取得了很大成绩,在政府和企业之间,很好地发挥了桥梁和纽带作用。希望煤炭加工利用协会在党的十三届四中全会和江泽民总书记国
China Coal Processing and Utilization Association representatives of the first member congress comrades: I was going to attend this conference, due to attend important meetings, it can not attend your assembly. Here, on behalf of the State Development Planning Commission, I hereby extend my warm congratulation to the General Assembly. Since its founding seven years ago, the Association of Coal Processing and Utilization has done a great deal of work and achieved great success. It has played a good role as a bridge and link between the government and enterprises . Hope Coal Processing and Utilization Association at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee and General Secretary Jiang Zemin