患者,女,75岁,于2012年10月31日以“发现右腘窝包块1周”为主诉来我院就诊,该患者入院1周前因右足跟疼痛1个月并出现右膝关节轻微疼痛,到外院就诊,膝关节X线片(图1A)发现右腘窝外下部4 cm×3 cm不均匀高密度影,为求进一步诊治,来我院就诊并住院。查体右腘窝外侧可触及4cm×3 cm软组织包块,质韧,表面光滑,活动度好,局部皮温不高,表面皮肤无红肿破溃等表现,听诊未闻及血管杂音等,有轻度压痛,膝关节活
The patient, female, 75 years old, came to our hospital on the 31st of October 2012 with a complaint of “finding the right popliteal fossa for 1 week.” The patient was admitted to the hospital one month before his right heel was painful for 1 month and appeared right Knee pain, to the hospital for treatment, knee X-ray film (Figure 1A) found that the right lower extremity outer 4 cm × 3 cm uneven high density, for further diagnosis and treatment, to our hospital for treatment and hospitalization. Physical examination of the right popliteal fossa can reach the outer 4cm × 3cm soft tissue mass, quality and toughness, smooth surface, good activity, local skin temperature is not high, the surface of the skin without rupture ulceration and other performance, auscultation and vascular murmur, there is no Mild tenderness, knee joint activity