东风螺隶属于软体动物门(Mollusca),腹足纲(Gastropoda),狭舌目(Stenoglossa),蛾螺科(Buccinidae),广泛分布于热带、亚热带的泥质至泥沙质浅海区域,营底栖生活,肉食性,其主要种类有台湾东风螺(Babylonia formosae)、方斑东风螺(Babylonia aerolata)、日本东风螺(Babylonia japonica)和泥东风螺(Babylonia lutosa)等。其中在我国以台湾东风螺、方斑东风螺和泥东风螺为主,分布于浙东以南包括台湾省、福建省、广东省、海南省和广西等地浅海。东风螺生长速度快,肉味鲜美,风味独特,广为人们喜爱,具有很高的食用经济价值。近几年来,由于酷捕滥采,东风螺资源已严重衰减,而苗
Dongfengxun belongs to Mollusca, Gastropoda, Stenoglossa and Buccinidae. They are widely distributed in the muddy to silt shallow waters in the tropics and subtropics. Habitat and carnivorous nature. Its main species are Babylonia formosae, Babylonia aerolata, Babylonia japonica and Babylonia lutosa from Taiwan. Among them, the most common species are Dongfenglu, Fangbaodonglu and Mudanjiang in China, distributed in the shallow sea including the provinces of Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan and Guangxi. Dongfengcrew fast growth, meat flavor, unique flavor, widely loved by people, with high economic value of food. In recent years, as a result of cool fishing, Dongfeng resources have been seriously declining, and Miao