在实现经济体制和经济增长方式“两个转变”的过程中,政府管理社会、组织经济工作的领导方式和工作方式也必将发生深刻的变化政府办公室作为政府的行政指挥中心和一级政府的窗口、纽带、中枢,要创造性地做好各项工作,必须以人为本,培养造就一支政治坚定、作风过硬、业务熟练、能征善战的秘书队伍 一、靠思想政治工作,弘扬开拓进取的作风。 办公室人员清贫辛苦,整天“爬格子”、搞服务,工资低、福利差,要在这平凡的工作中创造出辉煌的业绩,就得有一种崇高的精神。靠什么来培养这种精神?
In the course of realizing the “two transformations” of the economic system and economic growth mode, the government’s leadership and working methods of managing the economy and the organization of economy will also undergo profound changes. As the administrative command center and the first-level government of the government In order to creatively carry out various tasks in a creative way, we must take a people-centered approach and cultivate a contingent of secretaries who are politically determined, competent in style, proficient in business and capable of demanding good fights. They should rely on ideological and political work to promote the pioneering and enterprising style. Poor office workers, “climbing the plains” all day, engage in services, low wages, welfare is poor, in this extraordinary work to create brilliant performance, there must be a lofty spirit. What to rely on to cultivate this spirit?