用200p■p■m 六磷胺(Hempa)水溶液浸泡Ⅳ龄大劣按蚊幼虫,取24小时后雄性蛹,在两个实验地区的孳生地或附近定点羽化释放,三批共释放不育雄蚊15,482只,结果证明先以223杀虫剂先行喷洒后再释放不育雄蚊的效果较单纯释放不育雄蚊为优,有10.8%的捕获雌蚊所产的卵完全不育,平均卵的孵化率从释放前的84.8%下降为26.2%,与对照组比较,x~2检验差异有显著意义(x~2=10.70 p>0.05)。两个实验点均未发生新发病例。
The anopheles sinensis larvae were soaked with 200 pps of Hempa aqueous solution and male pupae were taken 24 h later and were released eclosion at or near the breeding sites in two experimental areas. Male sterile mosquitoes were released in three batches 15,482, the results show that the first spraying of insecticides after 223 and then release male sterile mosquitoes than the pure release of male sterile is better, 10.8% of the eggs produced by female infertility were completely sterile, the average egg hatching rate From 84.8% before release to 26.2%, compared with the control group, x ~ 2 test was significant (x ~ 2 = 10.70 p> 0.05). No new cases occurred in both experimental sites.