Introduction Chinese medicine is one of the important components in the field of Chinese medicine. It has an extremely long history. The compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine in traditional Chinese medicine has a very important significance in the use of clinical symptoms. Because the mechanism of the disease is complex and changeable, there are illnesses, illnesses, or illnesses, or virtual reality. Therefore, when using only single-taste drugs, comprehensiveness cannot be taken into consideration, and various drugs must be properly co-ordinated. To get up to meet the complex conditions. However, according to the ancients’ experience, there are a few drugs in Chinese medicine that cannot be combined together, otherwise there will be severe side effects. The Ming Dynasty Li Shizhen’s Compendium of Materia Medica recorded thirty-six kinds of drugs with opposite effects. According to the ancients’ experience, it has been circulated now that the traditional Chinese medicines that do the opposite are not compatible: Pinellia,