一、装料和补炉的准备工作 (1)各种原料应根据其化学成分和类型搭配使用,尽可能减少炉料中硫、磷、矽含量的波动幅度,以稳定熔毕炭和化清硫、磷含量(各厂应根据原料情况作出具体规定)。 (2)每炉钢的配料由值班主任负责,炼钢工长及炼钢工必须参加意见。 (3)为了保证正确配料,炼钢工长、炼钢工和技术监督员在每炉料准备好之后,应亲自检查其是否符合配料要求,如发现有问题时,应及时加以纠正。
First, the preparation of charging and refilling (1) a variety of raw materials should be based on their chemical composition and type of use, as much as possible to reduce the volatility of sulfur, phosphorus and silicon content in the charge to stabilize the melting of carbon and sulfur , Phosphorus content (the factory should be based on raw material to make specific provisions). (2) The charge of each furnace steel shall be in charge of the watch shift supervisor, and the steelworks chief and the steelworks must participate in the opinions. (3) In order to ensure the correct ingredients, the steelworks, steelworks and technical supervisors should check for compliance with the ingredients after each charge is prepared. If any problems are found, they should be rectified in time.