消费石油的经济部门在战后的迅速发展,使石油开采速度和海上运油量都飞快地增长起来。早在1950年,经海上运输的石油和石油产品,就有2亿2千万吨之多,随后,运输量(主要是原油的运输量)每十年都有显著的增长:在1960年为5亿4千万吨;在1970年为14亿9千万吨;在1980年约为20亿吨。 在1980年,运输如此大量的石油和石油产品,曾占用了7712艘油输,总载重量约有3亿4千万吨。同五十年代初期比较,当时运油的3,000—3,500艘油轮,总载重量仅约4千万吨。
The rapid development of the post-war economic sectors that consumed petroleum accelerated the pace of oil exploration and the volume of maritime transportation. As early as 1950, there were over 220 million tons of oil and petroleum products transported by sea, and then the volume of traffic (mainly crude oil traffic) has increased significantly every decade: in 1960 540 million tons in 1970, 1.49 billion tons in 1970 and about 2 billion tons in 1980. In 1980, shipping so much oil and petroleum products took up 7712 vessels and a total payload of about 340 million tons. Compared with the early 1950s, the total oil-carrying capacity of 3,000-3,500 oil tankers at that time was only about 40 million tonnes.